Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Oh my goodness me – I haven’t blogged for ages, but I wont go into paroxysms of shame and agony cos I know that I will do it again!! ha ha!  Anyway, this week’s WOYWW reveals that I have  made some monogram paperclip – I love these because they are simple and easy and look great!


The only thing was….I bought the alphabet stamps a while ago and had just never got round to using them…so…I was a bit surprised to see that they were outlines of letters rather than blocked in letters – oh well, that will teach me to read what it actually says on the label rather than chucking things in the basket because they’re on sale!!!  (at least I can colour them in if I want to!)

Don’t forget – more desks over at the Stamping Ground.


Unknown said...

great paperclips!!! Oh well - a girl can't resist a bargain eh - especially a crafty one!!!

Paula x x x

Helen said...

Oh, so it's not just me then!!

~T~ said...

Ohhh - looks like you are having fun!

Julia Dunnit said...

oH THAT'S ME TOO sAM..GOTA HAVE A BARGAIN, PLENTY OF TIME TO LOOK AT IT LATER!! OOps, capitals, sorry! Nice to see you *wave* - bet you're as busy as ever.

Pam said...

Love the paper clips I bought some a while ago with intentions to do this but can never decide how to stick them together what do you do?

Pam x

Paige said...

Cool paperclip idea. I'm pleased I'm not to only one who buys stuff and looks at it later finding it's not quite what i thought it was.

Unknown said...

Great paperclips!

PinksyDoodles said...

Hi Sam,
The monogram clips look brilliant.
Thanks for sharing your workspace and thank you for visiting mine.
The syringe on my desk is what I use for my Pinflair Glue - it does look a bit suspect doesn't it!
Clare x

Annie said...

Love the paperclips. Have fun.
A x

Chrissie said...

Love those Monogram clips. I think I'll have to have a go at those!
My envelope chart you saw on my blog came with a Crafter's Companion Enveloper pro board. It's brilliant, and I've worked out instructions for extra sizes to the ones already explained!

Anonymous said...

Great paperclips, I love 'em! Doesn't matter that your stamps are not solid, gives you more options!


Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

The large paperclips are great :) As you say you can colour the letters in.
Anne xx